新顶点小说 > 直至尽头(H) > 第62章
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&nbss solely e psre ois aster

&nbshe sve ands that at he has, and at he does, shall e, granted onishes, and only to the extent that he fds sefl

i have read and is svery tra its entiry i agree to give everythg i own to y aster, and er ae his nership over y physical body, heart, d that i wiraed and pnished as a sve, and i proise to be tre and to e psres and desires of y aster, ao the best of y abilities i and that i ot withdraw is svery tract

&nbser tract

1 i aehis sve to y lovg care and e as his aster

2 i will provide the physical ies of life for y ow y s i or hi to know it

3 i will se y sve&039;s body aish, e to be liited only by y reot to daage either his al beg

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